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The 2024 State of AI

Featuring research insights from:

AI applications in asset and wealth management are taking center stage on CEO agendas due to their potential to streamline investment processes and augment overall value.
MDOTM's research and development team has analysed key insights sourced from prominent consultancy firms and global institutional research networks to comprehend leading institutional investors' approach on AI integration for investment decision-making.

Sphere is the AIĀ Platform

For Asset & Wealth Management


your portfolio

Leverage the power of Analytical and Generative AIĀ to make informed investment decisions and optimise your investment portfolio.


your decisions

Brexit, Covid-19, the US elections, geopolitical risks and rate hikes. Sphere's AI has been trained with 50 years of data and has over 10 years of live investment track record, delivered throughout one of the toughest financial markets in history.


Ask any
investment insight

From market conditions to the current instruments in your portfolio, you can Ask Sphere to explain anything regarding your investment strategy.

A platform for asset managers.

Built by AIĀ pioneers.

Seamless customisation

Bring AI into your investment process while seamlessly incorporating your views, custom constraints, and complex investment objectives.

OpenAI Integration with MDOTM's Sphere, the AI Platform for Investment Professionals

Explainable AI

Guide your investment decisions using MDOTM's clear indicators and take advantage of our OpenAI ChatGPT integration for your custom portfolio commentary.

Superior alpha

Our proprietary AIĀ technology uses the power of cloud computing, big data, and state-of-the-art AI to turn market anomalies into profitable investment solutions.


Lower portfolio


Avg. sharpe


Increase in
annual returns**

*Source:Ā MDOTMĀ Ltd's elaboration on Sphere and Bloomberg data. The AIĀ Portfolio Construction Benefit (here represented using Sharpe Ratio and Turnover data) has been calculated by comparing the risk-return profile achieved by 2500+ portfolios built according to the Black & Litterman methodology and Sphere's AI one, while using the same expected return inputs and investable universe. **Main Alpha generated from Sphere's proprietary AI-driven indicators. Click here to access the full research.

ā€œ Thanks to Sphere's forward-looking insights and AI-driven regime analysis, my investment team was able to manage risk and diversification more effectively and achieve a superior risk-adjusted performance at a moment of increased market stress.ā€

Head of GroupĀ Investment Strategy, US-Based Asset Manager

A platform for asset managers.

Built by AIĀ pioneers.

Seamless customisation

Bring AI into your investment process while seamlessly incorporating your views, custom constraints, and complex investment objectives.

OpenAI Integration with MDOTM's Sphere, the AI Platform for Investment Professionals

Explainable AI

Guide your investment decisions using MDOTM's clear indicators and take advantage of our OpenAI ChatGPT integration for your custom portfolio commentary.

Superior alpha

Our proprietary AIĀ technology uses the power of cloud computing, big data, and state-of-the-art AI to turn market anomalies into profitable investment solutions.


Lower portfolio


Avg. sharpe


Increase in
annual returns**

*Source:Ā MDOTMĀ Ltd's elaboration on Sphere and Bloomberg data. The AIĀ Portfolio Construction Benefit (here represented using Sharpe Ratio and Turnover data) has been calculated by comparing the risk-return profile achieved by 2500+ portfolios built according to the Black & Litterman methodology and Sphere's AI one, while using the same expected return inputs and investable universe. **Main Alpha generated from Sphere's proprietary AI-driven indicators. Click here to access the full research.

ā€œ Thanks to Sphere's forward-looking insights and AI-driven regime analysis, my investment team was able to manage risk and diversification more effectively and achieve a superior risk-adjusted performance at a moment of increased market stress.ā€

Head of GroupĀ Investment Strategy, US-Based Asset Manager

Your investment process.

Enhanced by AI.

Use it independently or via APIs and start leveraging MDOTM's proprietary AIĀ to enhance your portfolios.

Drag the cursor to see in which areas AIĀ can support your investment process.
